Lucretia Wright

From AbulWiki

This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at Thank you!


  • Date: 16 Mar 1790
  • Location: Hadley, Hampshire County, MA, USA

Immediate Ancestors

Immediate Descendants

With Chester Elmer

Places Lived



  • Date: 27 Dec 1843
  • Location: Addison, Addison Co, VT, USA

Biographical Information



  • Also known as "Crucy"
  • Some sources show marriage date as the 3rd rather than the 13th
  • Mother sometimes listed as Huldah, sometimes as Eleanor, Somtimes as Huldah Elanor
  • Some sources have birth in Amherst or Northampton instead of Hadley
  • Lucretia is the sister of Silas Wright Jr who was a US Senator for New York from 1833 to 1844 and Governor of New York from 1845 to 1847.
  • Lucretia Wright's mother Eleanor Goodale and Chester Elmer's mother Mercy Goodale were sisters, making Lucretia and Chester first cousins.
