Leslie May Donaghy

From AbulWiki

This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at abulsme@abulsme.com. Thank you!

Leslie May Donaghy 6 Feb 2005


  • Date: 17 Nov 1945
  • Location: Pennsylvania

Immediate Ancestors

Immediate Descendants

With Brentwood Garrett

Places Lived


  • Ron Omeg

Biographical Information



  • Divorced Ron Omeg before 1973
  • Met Brentwood Garrett before divorce was final
  • Brandy Donaghy notes LMD was born in "Abington? Philadelphia? It was local to where she is now." No specific confirmed town yet.
