Leonard Simon Donaghy

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This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at abulsme@abulsme.com. Thank you!

Leonard Simon Donaghy ~1922


  • Date: 30 Nov 1908
  • Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA

Immediate Ancestors

Immediate Descendants

With Irene Leslie Hatton

Places Lived

  • 7811 Chelwynde Ave; West Philadelphia, PA, USA
  • Dresher, Montgomery County, PA, USA
  • Jarrettown, Montgomery County, PA, USA



  • Date: 1 Oct 1998

Biographical Information

  • Collected antique Car Jacks
  • From the Summer 2005 "Rumble Seat"
    • Jacks, Jacks and More Jacks
    • The AACA Museum was still just a dream in 1992, when Leonard S. Donaghy of Pennsylvania donated his collection of over 200 pre-WWII jacks to the future Museum. The collection was brought back to the AACA Headquarters and stored for the next seven years in a small room in the basement. During the past year the collection was moved to the AACA Museum s archival storage room.
    • Starting in 2001, Robert Krouch of Mechanicsburg, PA sorted, photographed and identified the collection as his Senior High School Project (as a requirement for graduation he needed to spend a minimum of 100 hours on a project over a 3 year period). In addition to identifying the jacks, he created a website to share the collection with the world. The site is:
    • http://home.comcast.net/~krouchs/jacksearch_homepage_001.htm
    • This is probably one of the most extensive collection of pre-WWII automotive jacks in any museum and will be a wonderful addition to the AACA Museum displays. A location and design for the display cases has been selected. The weight of the collection requires special cases to be constructed of steel and glass. At the present time there aren t sufficient funds in the budget to move this project forward. If you d like to see this display come to life more quickly you can consider earmarking a portion of your 2005 Museum donation to the Jack Display Fund. Thank you for your continued support!
    • By Dottie Shultz
    • Volunteer Captain, Supporting Exhibitions
  • Along with Irene Leslie Hatton had a dog named "Pepper" in the 1960's and 1970's.
  • Was known as "Gen" by much of his family in his later years. This began when Brandy Donaghy as a small child would imitate people calling down to LSD saying "Len, Lunch!". She could not however pronounce her "L's" yet so this came out "Gen, Gunch!" and the name stuck.
  • Owned a shop in New Hope, PA called "Treasure Trove" along with Irene Leslie Hatton


Howard, Leonard and Albert Donaghy ~1908
Howard Donaghy and Leonard Simon Donaghy ~1913 in front of 7811 Chelwynde Ave, Philadelphia
Leonard Simon Donaghy and Howard Donaghy ~1915 in backyard of 7811 Chelwynde Ave, Philadelphia - Taken by neighbor Tom Jones
Albert Donaghy and Mary Elizabeth Slook with 4 children (possibly Leonard, Howard, John and Charles) ~1917
Howard Donaghy, Leonard Simon Donaghy and Unknown Girl
Leonard Simon Donaghy ~1921
John Donaghy, Mary Elizabeth Slook, and Leonard Donaghy ~1926
Leonard Simon Donaghy and Irene Leslie Hatton ~1929
Irene Leslie Hatton, a dog and Leonard Simon Donaghy
Leonard Simon Donaghy and Irene Leslie Hatton ("Boots"), Summer of 1929
Len, "Boots" (Irene), "Dimples", Howard and John
Leonard Simon Donaghy and Unknown Child (possibly Don Donaghy)
Albert Jr, Howard, John and Leonard Donaghy ~1975



  • Brothers: John, Albert (Jr), Howard and Charles
  • Had a neighbor named Tom Jones ~1915
  • SSN was 163-05-6719
  • Son Don Donaghy is a well known photographer, his website is here and his Wikipedia page is here.
  • Birth date for Doug is approximate. Doug's date is based on a rough remembrance by Brandy Donaghy of his age at the time of his death and may be off by as much as five years.
  • According to Leslie May Donaghy Doug Donaghy died the same day as Nell Carter, who was also a close acquaintance of the people Doug was living with at the time.
  • According to Leslie May Donaghy LSD's brother Albert Donaghy Jr spent some time researching family history and discovered that the original records from the town in Ireland from which the Donaghy's originated (Omagh in County Tyrone in modern day Northern Ireland) were destroyed in a fire, so there may be a "dead end" on research into that branch of the family.
  • Irene was nicknamed "Boots", but it seems Leonard and Irene also had a dog named Boots.
  • The dates written on the back of some of the pictures are considered unreliable because they were written by Leonard Simon Donaghy when he was quite old, and it would have had ILH as 12 in some pictures where she seems to be at least a few years older than that.
