Irene Leslie Hatton

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This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at Thank you!

Irene Leslie Hatton ~1935


Immediate Ancestors

Immediate Descendants

With Leonard Simon Donaghy

Places Lived



  • Date: 26 May 1991

Biographical Information

  • Emigrated to the US about 1918
  • Along with Leonard Simon Donaghy had a dog named "Pepper" in the 1960's and 1970's.
  • Sometimes went by the nickname "Les"
  • Owned a shop in New Hope, PA called "Treasure Trove" along with Leonard Simon Donaghy


Leonard Simon Donaghy and Irene Leslie Hatton ("Boots"), Summer of 1929
Leonard Simon Donaghy and Irene Leslie Hatton ~1930
Irene Leslie Hatton, a dog and Leonard Simon Donaghy
Irene Leslie Hatton and Anne ~1935
Irene Leslie Hatton, 3 Jul 1932
Len, "Boots" (Irene), "Dimples", Howard and John
Irene Leslie Hatton with unknown Child (Don Donaghy?) and Dog



  • SSN was 160-32-4764
  • Possible Sister "Anne"? Could just be a friend though.
  • I believe "Boots" is really ILH. Based on the pictures I have found, I think they are the same person, "Boots" just being a nickname. To me, the people labeled as Boots look just like ILH. The "3 Irene Leslie Hattons, 1 Boots" comparison tries to show this. Brandy Donaghy is not sure that they are not two people.
  • Son Don Donaghy is a well known photographer, his website is here and his Wikipedia page is here.
  • Birth date for Doug is approximate. Doug's date is based on a rough remembrance by Brandy Donaghy of his age at the time of his death and may be off by as much as five years.
  • According to Leslie May Donaghy Doug Donaghy died the same day as Nell Carter, who was also a close acquaintance of the people Doug was living with at the time.
  • Irene was nicknamed "Boots", but it seems Leonard and Irene also had a dog named Boots.
  • When ILH was a child in school, the other kids would ask her to say words "in British".
  • The dates written on the back of some of the pictures are considered unreliable because they were written by Leonard Simon Donaghy when he was quite old, and it would have had ILH as 12 in some pictures where she seems to be at least a few years older than that.
