Brentwood Garrett

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This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at Thank you!

Brentwood Garrett 28 Dec 2003


Immediate Ancestors

Immediate Descendants

With Leslie May Donaghy

Places Lived



  • Date: 11 Nov 2005
  • Location: Rhode Island

Biographical Information

  • Spent time in the Army stationed in Germany during the Vietnam War
  • Spent most of his career as a fisherman until he was severely injured on one outing and was unable to continue.



  • SSN 160-40-7468 issued in PA
  • Often just listed as "Brent"
  • BG told Brandy Donaghy that his ancestry is part Blackfoot. Brandy also mentioned that Blackfoot was "Part of the Sioux". It is unclear if the association with the Sioux was originally from her father or introduced later. If original, it is possible that the ancestry is Sihasapa who are often referred to as "Blackfoot Sioux" as Sihasapa means "Blackfoot" in Lakota, the largest Sioux language. The two groups are apperantly often confused but are not related.
