Albert Donaghy

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This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at Thank you!

Albert Donaghy ~1916


Immediate Ancestors

Immediate Descendants

With Mary Elizabeth Slook

  • Albert Donaghy Jr (b 6 Aug 1900, d 23 Oct 1983)
  • Leonard Simon Donaghy
  • Howard Donaghy (d ~1980)
  • John Slook Donaghy (b 13 Sept 1916, d 15 Sept 1999; m Eleanor Barrar)
  • Charles Donaghy (d 8 April 1956)

Places Lived



  • Date: UNKNOWN

Biographical Information

  • Occupation in 1900 was "Clerk"
  • Worked for a die casting company called "Stokes" on the machine that made the first Life Savers candy.
  • Had a greenhouse next to their home on Chelwynde Ave. He sold plants.
  • Business was "A. Donaghy & Son, Growers" on 78tyh and Chelwynde Ave in West Philadelphia. They Specialized in "Pansies & Dahlias, Chrysanthemums, Potted Plants".


James Donaghy (far left) and Albert Donaghy (sitting next to James) and others unknown on the front porch of Chelwynde Ave house ~1900
Albert Donaghy with Petroski, Charles Beck and others at Stokes
Albert Donaghy and Mary Elizabeth Slook with 4 children (possibly Leonard, Howard, John and Charles) ~1917
Mary Elizabeth Slook and Albert Donaghy ~1925



  • According to Leslie May Donaghy AD's son Albert Donaghy Jr spent some time researching family history and discovered that the original records from the town in Ireland from which the Donaghy's originated (Omagh in County Tyrone in modern day Northern Ireland) were destroyed in a fire, so there may be a "dead end" on research into that branch of the family.
  • Albert Donaghy Jr's SSDI is here but this is of the son, not the father.
  • The "Stokes" brand of tablet presses used for pills as well as Life Savers, after many acquisitions, is now owned by Compression Components & Service LLC. The press release announcing the acquisition in 2005 is here. The company is located in Huntington Valley, PA just north of Philadelphia.
  • SSN on the business card for the flower business is son John Slook Donaghy's SSN, not Albert's.
  • Son Charles Donaghy also worked at Stokes. According to Number 49 in the LMD packet his boss was F. J. Stokes in charge of the Pumell & Die Department
  • Son Albert Donaghy Jr had a daughter Margie.
  • Son Howard Donaghy had a daughter Connie.
