Dorothy Gibson

From AbulWiki

This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at Thank you!


  • Date: ~1924
  • Location: UNKNOWN

Immediate Ancestors

  • Father: UNKNOWN
  • Mother: UNKNOWN

Immediate Descendants

With Augustus Garrett:

With Joe ???

  • Older Daughter, Unknown name
  • Danetta Gibson
  • Ozella Gibson
  • Alan Gibson (b ~1962)

Places Lived



  • Date: Dec 1973

Biographical Information



  • Ozella has a daughter Kia born ~1980
  • Danetta has a son Damon born ~1980. Grandson Damon also has a child, we do not know the name.
  • Dorothy died of a stroke "around Christmas" sometime after Brandy Donaghy was born in 1973. Dorothy's daughters believe the stroke was related to a mugging. Leslie May Donaghy believes it was just a stroke. LMD remembers that Dorothy died in either December 1973 or January 1974 at the age of 49 while Christmas shopping. I am using Dec 1973 for the moment based on the "Christmas Shopping" comment.
  • Brandy Donaghy believes from family accounts that DG might be as much as 1/2 American Indian.
  • Brentwood Garrett told Brandy Donaghy that his ancestry is part Blackfoot. Brandy also mentioned that Blackfoot was "Part of the Sioux". It is unclear if the association with the Sioux was originally from her father or introduced later. If original, it is possible that the ancestry is Sihasapa who are often referred to as "Blackfoot Sioux" as Sihasapa means "Blackfoot" in Lakota, the largest Sioux language. The two groups are apperantly often confused but are not related.
  • DG had a brother Albert. According to Brandy Donaghy Albert would complain about "damn Jamaicans" only to discover that a good deal of his ancestors were from Jamaica. This would lead one to believe that if DG was 1/2 American Indian, a portion of the other half would be Jamaican. However, neither of Dorothy and Albert's parents themselves were likely to have been from Jamaica, otherwise one would not expect Albert to be surprised on learning his family partially originated from there.
  • There is another relative named "Inez" who died in 2006 who Brandy Donaghy described as the "family matriarch". Brandy did not know the exact relation however. Brandy stated that Inez had strong American Indian physical characteristics.
  • This is obviously not the same Dorothy Gibson who was a famous silent film actress, and was a survivor of the sinking of the Titanic.
