Margaret Lush

From AbulWiki

This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at Thank you!


Immediate Ancestors

  • Father: UNKNOWN
  • Mother: UNKNOWN

Immediate Descendants

With Jacob Slook

  • Sarah Slook (b 7 Dec 1873, d 7 Sep 1914 of heart disease)
  • Jacob Slook
  • Blaine Slook
  • Mary Elizabeth Slook
  • Anna Slook
  • John Slook
  • Margaret Slook
  • James Davis Slook (b 5 Sep 1887)
  • Emma Slook
  • Martin Slook
  • Katherine Slook
  • Lillian Slook
  • William Slook (b 1895 in PA, d 1983)
  • Edmund Slook (d 1925)
  • Mabel Slook

Places Lived



Biographical Information

  • 1880 census notes her occupation as "Keeping House"
  • Lived for many years at 2843 Jackson St, Philadelphia, PA
  • Received $581.07 as a distribution in the sale of "Island Road Property"



  • LMD Packet gives birth as 1850/1855. The 1880 Census Gives 1855 though, so I'm going with that.
  • LMD Packet gives death in 1918, the "Slook" Rootsweb source gives 1928. I'm going with the family information for the moment pending additional sources.
  • 1880 Census notes that her Father was born in Pennsylvania and her mother was born in Ireland, but does not give their names.
