Charles H Sheller

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This page is part of the Genealogy Research being done by Samuel Antonio Minter. It represents the best information I have at this time on this individual. This site is a Wiki open to be edited by anyone. If you see errors, or have additional relevant information, feel free to update this page. If you are not comfortable editing the page directly, please email me with the information at Thank you!


  • Date: UNKNOWN
  • Location: UNKNOWN

Immediate Ancestors

  • Father: UNKNOWN
  • Mother: UNKNOWN

Immediate Descendants

Places Lived

  • Philadelphia, PA, USA (before 1858)
  • West Chester, PA, USA (1858-1885)
  • East Bradford, PA, USA (1885-1914)



  • Date: 1914

Biographical Information

  • From page 44 of the LMD Packet:
    • "The pioneer in West Chester was Charles H. Sheller father of Charles W., who first saw the town in the year of 1858. He was a skilled trucker and gardener from that section of South Phila. known as "the Neck", between the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. He became acquainted with Paschall Morris, who lived in that city and who owned the Morris Nurseries on Maple Ave., also a large garden of 8 acres on the east side of Walnut St. near Virginia Ave., where Walter S. Talbot, Esq., and numerous other prominent citizens now reside."
    • "Mr. Morris wanted some one to take charge of his garden, and invited Mr. Sheller to come to West Chester and look it over. Mr. Sheller came out by train one Sunday, visited the place and became so homesick that he could not wait for the afternoon train, but bought some cakes from Mr. Spence, mother of James Spence and walked all the way home, more than 25 miles. Later he was persuaded to come again, this time accompanied by Mr. Morris, who pointed out some attractive features and induced him to stay."
    • "In time he and John Conner who afterward became landlord of the West Chester House, at Gay and New Streets, bought the Morris garden and conducted it for some years, but in 1869 Conner sold his interest to Sheller, who in 1882 sold to Mary Ann Warrington. Meanwhile the Sheller family had been living since 1877 on the Bischop farm, owned by George Knaurer, who was father-in-law of Rev. G. Livingston Bishop. This was at the eastern entrance to Greystone, later the estate of P.M. Sharpless."
    • "In the year 1884, Charles H. Sheller bought the present Sheller farm in East Bradford, but did not move there until December, 1885, leaving the property meanwhile in the hands of his son-in-law, Thomas Finegas. When he finally did settle there he remained until his death in 1914."




  • If the birth year of daughter Mary E Sheller is correct, then Charles was most likely born around 1808, which would have him over 100 years old at his death. This is possible, but I imagine it would have been noted in the article had that been the case. It is possible the date of death is incorrect. Another possibility is that the handwritten note on the source document is incorrect, and it is not Charles W Sheller who was the brother of Mary E Sheller, but rather Charles H Sheller.
