2008 Presidential Delegate Graphs

From AbulWiki

This is the archived version of the final state of the 2008 analysis. For 2016, see ElectionGraphs.com.

Everything below represents the final state of the 2008 Electoral College Prediction Pages on Abulsme.com at the conclusion of the 2008 election cycle. This is now presented for archival purposes. For 2012 information, please look to 2012 Presidential Delegate Graphs and 2012 Electoral College Prediction. For 2016, see ElectionGraphs.com.

The following are graphs of the delegate counts for the US presidential race in both parties on a day by day basis. Data is taken from CNN's Democratic Scorecard and Republican Scorecard pages. At a minimum, graphs will be updated after new primary and caucus results. Changes to superdelegate totals between primaries and caucuses may or may not be caught on the day they occur. The spacing of the data points reflects the time of day (UTC) at which I take the "sample" from the CNN pages. On days when primary and caucus results come in the data points may represent estimates which are later revised in the next day's data points.

The spreadsheet used to generate these graphs is here.

A "close up view" of changes as results from Super Tuesday came in is here.

2008 Electoral College Prediction charts are also available.


Final Results

Barack Obama was declared the nominee by acclamation at the Democratic convention on 27 Aug 2008 at approximately 22:50 UTC. The roll call vote of the delegates was stopped before it was complete. When the move to declare the nominee by acclamation was made by Hillary Clinton the vote so far was 1549 delegates for Obama, 341 delegates for Clinton.

On 2 Sep 2008, the DNC released the official final results. Those results: Barack Obama 3188.5 delegates, Hillary Clinton 1010.5 delegates. Not noted on the official site, but with Florida and Michigan fully seated, as they eventually were, the total number of delegates was 4415. So 216 delegates did not vote or otherwise were not recorded.

Primary Season Charts

Charts below represent the delegate race from 1 Jan 2008 until the last update of CNN's delegate tracker on 11 Jun 2008.





Final Results

John McCain became the Republican nominee on 4 Sep 2008 at approximately 4:04 UTC when he went over the "magic number" in the roll call vote at the Republican National Convention. One source gives the final roll call count as: John McCain 2343 delegates, Ron Paul 15 delegates, Mitt Romney 2 delegates. There were 2380 delegates, which means 20 delegates did not vote or were otherwise not recorded.

Primary Season Charts

Charts below represent the delegate race from 1 Jan 2008 until the last update of CNN's delegate tracker on 11 Jun 2008.




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